Welcome to my new fitness blog!

Hi, I’m Livvy! I’m from Somerset, I have two children (one boy; Harrison and one girl; Freya-Evelyn) and a lovely husband. New to this so I just thought I’d get a quick blog post done to explain to any one reading why I’ve decided to start up my own blog.

I have recently altered my Instagram (social media) to show people how I train in the gym or at home and how I eat in the hope of inspiring not only mums but anyone out there in the world of fitness that change is always possible. I am currently on my second fit journey of motherhood after having my second child just 10 months ago ‘I’ve done it before, I can do it again’. I have lost a total of around 2 stone and gained a lot of muscle mass which is my main focus.

I’m hoping to be able to blog atleast once a week to bring you the ups and downs of my journey (it’s not always easy having two little ones) share my progress with you, share some recipes with you (yummy healthy pancakes included) also give you some product reviews, what I’m using and what I would recommend etc.

I hope you enjoy following my journey, enjoy reading my blogs and the most important thing I hope I inspire you to be the best you!

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