What I eat in a day!

I often get asked ‘what sort of things do you eat to look so good?’ ‘Do you eat often?’ ‘Do you have to restrict what you eat?’ So here I am to give you MY OWN PERSONAL answers to these questions.

As many of you will know by now, I lead an active lifestyle, I have two young children and train in the gym between 3-5 times a week (mainly weight training). To maintain my current body shape and achieve my goals of building muscle as well as putting the hours into working out I have to eat a good clean balanced ‘diet’ I say ‘diet’ as I don’t believe this is what I do. I have a very good relationship with food and eat intuitively (I don’t currently track my food intake or have a food plan) so if I’m really hungry one day I will eat more, if I really fancy something ‘bad’ as long as I’ve been relatively on track I will go on and eat it. In my eyes if you’re fully restricting yourself you are setting yourself up for failure!

On a typical day you’ll probably find me eating a lot more than you think or expect, I’m pretty sure half the time I’m the friend sat there snacking but at least my body isn’t left wandering when it’s next going to get fuel.

So here it is. Here is my ‘What I eat in a day’ photo grid explained. This is just an example of a typical day without the added Reece’s egg that I fancied the other day or the chicken kebab I had on last Fridays ‘cheat’ meal šŸ˜


Meal 1: 1 peeled cut carrot blended with fresh orange juice to your own consistency. 40grams weighed rolled oats made with water NOT MILK, 1 scoop of protein powder with a squeeze or agave nectar syrup.

Meal 2: 1 toasted whole meal bagel with 1 full tin of tuna, sweet corn and a dab of mayo.

Meal 3: Turkey steaks, 2 eggs, wholemeal rice portion, broccoli and cauliflower.

Meal 4: 150grams of 0% fat fage yoghurt, 30grams whole grain puffed rice cereal with a squeeze of agave nectar syrup.

There we have it, a day in the life of me and my big love of food! A prime example of what I will set out to eat in a day if not with the added extras (I’m a hungry girl)

If you have any added questions or want to know more then I’m always happy to help, head over to my Instagram page: Livvy_fitmum to drop me a message and follow my journey day by day.

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