The truth about having two young children!

Having one child is easy. Well it might not seem like it at the time but you soon realise when the next one comes along! Whoever said that going from one to two is easy is one big fat liar šŸ™ˆ.

Now I’m sorry if your reading this while your pregnant with your second child or sat planning another baby, I suppose you could thank me for giving you a little taste of reality though.

Don’t get me wrong, my children are amazing.. they are my whole world, I wouldn’t be without them and I love them both with all my heart but it’s not always easy. All you seem to see is the people that are winging it (aren’t we all though šŸ˜‚) some people look so graceful, so calm and collected.. I do envy those people sometimes! Then again who knows who thinks that of me!? I could come across as one of those people when really I am definitely winging it!!

When I was pregnant with my second baby I imagined constant happiness, a lovely bond between the baby and my first born, I honestly didn’t think it could be that much harder and really couldn’t wait for our next adventure to start. In reality I wish I had made the most of those moments with my first before our lives got crazy! Of course there is a lot of happiness but there is also a lot of stress, a lot of nagging, a lot of forgetfulness and a lot of exhaustion.

I now forget birthdays, forget to text back, forget the one thing I’ve gone to the shop for. I love naps, am in bed by 9pm every night. I have no time for cleaning our home so it stays dirty for weeks at a time, I’m late for most things but still my heart is full of love.

There is no bond like a siblings bond but my god there’s a lot of bickering.. when once there was silence there is now the sound of constant squealing where one is winding up the other while I hide in the kitchen pulling my hair out. My husband has turned into my saviour.. he comes home from work and rescues me daily although sometimes it appears he’s had a worse day than me and that must mean it was one of my rare good days šŸ˜‚.

Every now and then I brake down.. it gets too much and I need to let it out! I’m not afraid to admit that! Everyone has their breaking point, we weren’t made to take on everything life throws at us without some sort of little melt down so just know that it’s okay. We are all dealing with our own struggles, you’re allowed a moment to feel like your failing but just remember who’s watching you! Deep breaths and start again.

Being a mother or parent is one of the hardest jobs ever and yes it is a job because it is non stop (I probably do a tonne more steps than your average insta fit girl) but it is also one of the most rewarding.. to see a child that you have created turn into the most wonderful, caring little human being (they don’t always seem that way šŸ™ˆ) is just magical.. you put the hard work in just like anything they turn out to be a true asset to you.

I’ve got two little people in my heart to love forever.. two little people looking up to me.. following me when I pee and I am forever grateful for them ā¤ļø

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