My plans to prepare my body for holiday πŸŒžπŸŒž

3 weeks to go!! (Not that I’m counting or anything 😝)

There’s nothing more that I love than having an incentive.. something to work for! It just gives me that extra motivation and buzz to get to the gym and I’m lucky enough to have a holiday to Spain to look forward to in 3 weeks time!

I’ve been busy bikini shopping.. decided to treat myself to some new ones this year for losing all of last years baby weight πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ any excuse right!! I’ve been loving it, there’s so many pretty designs this year.. do you think I like stripes?? β¬‡οΈπŸ˜. One little tip for bikini shopping whilst I’m here is that if you’ve got thick thighs like moi size up on your bottom half to stop that hip hang over πŸ™Œ best advice you’ll receive!

So here’s how I plan to get ‘bikini ready’ or more like ready to smash back all the holiday food I can while I’m there 😜. Week 1 (this week) i will be preparing my body for the hard work so I won’t be pushing it to the max.. barely any cardio, flexible eating with no stress and getting all the carbs i can to fuel the next few weeks 😝. I don’t want to burn out, start craving and crash in the last week before I jet off. Come next Monday (week 2) it’s crunch time for the last two weeks, 3-4 days of at least 20 mins cardio after weight sessions, no skipping sessions!! 2 ab sessions a week without fail and eating to compliment my training (depending on what body part I’m training that day) for example if it’s a rest day I will have low carbs. Let’s call this a mini cut πŸ’ͺ🏼

Why? Because 1.) I like a challenge, it keeps me motivated 2.) I like to feel my best, to have a boost of confidence and last but not least 3.) it gives me lots of extra room for holiday carbs πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

If you follow me on Instagram (if you don’t then head over to Livvygoodland_fitmum and give me a follow) you’ll know that I recently had a week ‘mini cut’ and from the results it shows that it doesn’t take me long to get rid of those little bloated areas so I know this will work for what I want to achieve ☺️.

Before I go let me tell you this though.. there is no such thing as a ‘bikini body’ all bodies are beautiful.. I was not ashamed when I was bigger after having my children, I was not ashamed when I wore a bikini with my pregnant bump! No one should think they have to look a certain way. Do what you want, look the way you want as long as YOU are happy ☺️.

Livvy X

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