Instagram vs reality

Instagram.. a place we visit many times daily, post photos on, keep up with friends on it, follow our favourite enthusiasts but is it really that good for us? The answer is probably no! Even I’m guilty of it massively but I thought I would touch down on this.

Although Instagram is a great platform for business and earning whilst catching up with friends, a part of me feels like it’s a problem in some of our lives. Who is guilty of looking on their favourite Instagram enthusiasts page and envying them? Looking at them and thinking to yourself ‘I wish I looked like that’ or even seeing one of your friends or someone you know posting happy photos looking like they have the best life ever and wandering why they have the ‘perfect’ life? The truth is they don’t!! No one has a perfect life and no one looks good all the time, unfortunately we only see the good in peoples lives.. the best photo picked out of 100 bad ones and I think it’s too easy to forget that!

We all have our imperfections and that’s okay.. that’s what makes you you, what fun would life be if we were all the same? It’s such a shame that we’ve got to a point where people use filter after filter, start photoshopping things and take it to an unrecognisable stage! I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to be told ‘actually you look better in pictures not in person’. Yes I use colour filters in my photos that I personally post but I’d still get found if my photo was on a lamp post to say I was lost 😂.

All we are achieving from doing this is actually just making people feel crap about themselves and their lives! Please let’s just come back down to reality and remember that loads of us have stretch marks, we have spots, we have saggy Mum belly bits weather they be big or small, we have wrinkly skin, cellulite, wobbly bits, uneven skin tones and the list could just go on.

I’ve learnt over the last few months to try not to look on social media and envy people, it’s easier said than done I know.. especially if your having a bad day/week but honestly my best piece of advice would be that if anyone you follow is having a negative affect on your life in anyway as much as you love seeing their posts please unfollow them! I’ve followed my own advice and it helps so much ❤️

Social media is definitely a growing thing in most of our lives.. let’s not let it affect us the way it does some of us! No ones perfect but perfect in their own way 😘.

Livvy X

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