The power of Aloe!

It’s Wednesday morning, I’ve been awake since 5am with a poorly boy shouting me then waking his little sister up only to back to sleep himself.. cheeky sod 😝

Anyway, time to watch shark tale and sip on my cup of tea trying to peel my eyes open when really all I want is to curl back up in my fresh sheets!! The joys of parenthood. Boy aren’t I glad that I don’t have to head out to work today, I’ll be setting my office up from home to catch up with exciting messages about people wanting to earn more cash for Christmas or even more wanting to change their life for good.

What time do you think I’ll crash though? Will other parents know on the school run that I’ve been up since the crack of dawn as I walk in looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge? LUCKILY I’ve discovered Aloe berry nectar gel before any of you have πŸ˜†

One little shot while making my morning cup of tea and I will now be energised until bedtime, I’ll be fresh faced, right as rain and raring to go by breakfast time, don’t you wish you’d known about this a long time ago?

Containing 90.7% pure inner leaf aloe gel along side added antioxidant vitamin C to help with the protection of cells this delicious cranberry and apple flavoured aloe is a must have!

Aloe berry nectar is great for:

βœ”οΈ Clearer skin

βœ”οΈ The immune system

βœ”οΈ The digestive system

βœ”οΈ Energy levels

βœ”οΈ Your metabolism

What better product to have in your fridge for your overall health and wellbeing!

Why not try our aloe peaches flavour too!! One of my new customers who has just received her peach flavoured aloe gel said ‘No need to hold your nose, it tastes lovely and I can feel the difference in my energy levels already’ after just one day 😍

The power of aloe just speaks for itself πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

Livvy X

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